Star Light

  • Sat Oct 26, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Glaiza Champion
  • Ten Candles
  • Ten Candles is a game where the players end the game with the characters dying.
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Script Change
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


There’s a land called Parol Island that have never experienced cold.

Every winter, each household creates a little lamp shaped like a star — with a little candle inside that holds a little bit of magic. Each star lamp on its own is not enough to fight the oncoming blizzard that comes every year.

But together — they make the island so very warm that the blizzard avoids the island altogether.

It’s been done for centuries that the island no longer remembers the snow and the cold.

It’s become a legend.

Until this year.

The small star lamps are disappearing. At first it was assumed that people just stopped believing in the promise of the stars, and therefore they stopped creating them.

But soon, it was clear.

Someone was destroying the lanterns.

There’s only ten left.

And winter is coming.

Tags: Adventure, Apocalyptic, Collaborative, Comical, Dark, Drama, Emotional, Exploration, Freeform, Horror, Improv, Intrigue, Melancholy, Mystery, Play to find out, Romance, Serious

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