Study Closet

  • Fri Oct 25, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Christoph Sapinsky
  • Thaumaturgy
  • X-Card, Other, Paradox intergrated X-card system
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


Thaumaturgy is a fantasy game about Spellcasters on a quest for power and ascension in defiance of their destiny and the will of powerful patrons. The world is one of three contrasting realms where they confront mystery and monsters with spellcraft. We play to find out how the Casters draw themselves away of the strings of fate and avoid being consumed by the schemes of dangerous patrons. What choices will you make? What fate will you defy? And what maledictions will you commit for Ascension.

Your story starts in the vibrant metropolis of Toronto against the backdrop of unseasonal fogs and disappearing people. Like the rest of the city, you avoid going out at night. So, you and some friends went for a brunch event at Casa Loma. During the castle tour, you discover a portal to another world. The portal is hidden within a study closet – an intricately engraved antique cupboard that whisks you off to a fantastic village. Here you take residence in a witch”s cottage while learning enough spellcraft magic to restore the broken study closet and make it back before the suspicious villagers and the visiting army descend on the cottage with cries of witchcraft.

Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, Improv, Investigation, Modern, Play to find out, Serious

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