Tabula Rasa RPG Playtest

  • Sun Oct 27, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Jonathan Wilder
  • Tabula Rasa/Blank Slate System
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Script Change
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Created at the table


Come playtest a brand new TTRPG, Tabula Rasa!

In Tabula Rasa, you play as newly-formed beings, journeying together to better understand themselves and the world around them. Is this Tabula Rasa formed of carved wax, or metal and wire, or even spun together from the aether of the universe? Each Tabula Rasa will encounter Reminders: Are these memories from a former mortal life, or prior programming, or even fragments of the fated Guided Path? Some of these Reminders may be regarded as familiar when they arise- perhaps even comforting. Others will be rejected- fought against in a struggle for one”s self-identity. Regardless, one essential question perpetually follows each Tabula Rasa on their journeys: can their existence truly be a blank slate?

Tabula Rasa is the first game to use the Blank Slate System, which involves a xd6 – xd4 dice pool resolution system. There is a deeply collaborative character creation process, involving creating Reminders for one of the other players to discover. You’ll also be able to use your own character’s Reminders to lessen the challenge of hazards.

Your feedback for this playtest will be invaluable for crafting the final version of the game!

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Exploration, Intrigue, Mystery, Play to find out

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