The first rpg

  • Fri Oct 25, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Ian Hansen
  • Dungeons & Dragons (original)
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Script Change, Other, Negative vibes not allowed
  • ()
  • 4
  • 12 of 12
  • Created at the table


We are playtesting the original manuscript of Dungeons and Dragons that was recently released by WOC. We forget everything we know and approach it as if we do not know anything about what came after. It’s meta role-playing at its finest.

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Comical, Fantasy, Freeform, Hijinx, Improv, Intrigue, Melancholy, Play to find out, Serious

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