- Sun Oct 30, 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM
- No Categories
- Jozy Zim
- Forged in the Dark
- oppression from an insensitive monolithic structure, persecution of fantasy identities (mutant mammal, AI construct, chimerical beings) as unspoken analogies to today's struggles
- Lines/Veils,Cut/Brake,Script Change
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- Provided
Fullsome, Aerowoude, Nothingham, Terapolis: the city of a trillion people in 2467 has many names; the greatest city on Earth, where hunger, pain, scarcity, trauma, injustice, even death are nightmares of a past age, or so the humans tell themselves in their digital bubble. You are not human. You do not live in their digital utopia or solar empire. You live in the pristine ruins, the physical city they left behind, a beautiful place that reminds you every day: you do not belong. You are a mutant mammal, a digital construct, or something in-between or peripheral that defies existing labels. Maybe you are (or ascended from) one of their tools, left behind and abandoned. More likely, you are a beautiful accident, born into a world not made for you. They exploit the people you know for labor to maintain their servers and systems. They hunt the people you love for entertainment, the only occupation humans have left. Mostly, they ignore you or belittle you, and this is their biggest mistake. You and your crew are ready to fight back: for yourself, for community, for justice, and your right to exist on this piece of paradise on Earth.
Theme song: “Cold War” by Janelle Monáe
Tags: Adult themes, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Dark, Emotional, Exploration, Horror, Intrigue, Light, Military, Noir, Player antagonism, Pulp, Romance, Silly, Strong storyline
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