Unstoppable Power

  • Sat Oct 26, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Colin Fahrion
  • Unstoppable Power (PbtA)
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy, Script Change
  • ()
  • 4
  • 17 of 5
  • Created at the table


One day you were normal… and then you weren’t — you had powers! Some call you a superhero and others a freak. Do you cling to your humanity or let your powers become you?

Unstoppable Power is a game about a superhero whose power grows to a point where it becomes harder to relate to their friends and family and even the world around them. As their power transforms them into a god they struggle to maintain their humanity. Think Dr Manhattan, who eventually left Earth to live away from on Mars, or Jean Grey as she became overcome by the Phoenix Force.

The game is structured like Bluebeard’s Bride. There is one character, the superhero protagonist, and each player plays a part of the superhero’s psyche, representing an aspect of their humanity. When the hero embraces their power, they stand a chance of shattering their psyche and loosing as aspect of their humanity, even if it is to save the one they love. The story will fast forward through time so we can see the hero’s full transformation from their inception to their eventual godhood.

This game was initially playtested at Big Bad Con way back in 2019. The games were great but there was still work to be done. Then life and pandemic happened and it got put on the back-burner. I’ve since had some good ideas for improvements and am ready to playtest it again!

Tags: Drama, Emotional, Play to find out, Super Powers

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