Big Bad Con game schedule is up – Verify your badge today!

We’re super excited to have so many wonderful offerings this year. Over 180 scheduled events, and nearly 30 games in Games on Demand!

The game schedule is now built. You can see dates and times on the event listing, or you can see a visual depiction for each day here: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Important – Verify your Badge Today!

Game sign ups will go live on 9/12 at noon PST. Before then, it’s very important that you verify your badge to make sure you’ll be able to sign up when the booking opens.

Head over to the event called Verify your 2015 Big Bad Con badge, make sure you’re logged into the site, and click Book Now at the the bottom of the page. If you’re able to book this event, you’re badge is activated and your account is working as it should!

Some big changes in sign ups this year!

While The Wolf does like a good competition, he’s also heard the cry of the people. Many have requested that sign ups be limited in the first week to make sure that everyone, even the folks who can’t be frantically refreshing their browser pages at noon on Saturday, gets a chance to sign up for great games.

To facilitate this, we’ve created a quota this year. In the first week, all attendees will be limited to signing up for two events. After the first week, when everyone has had a chance to sign up for their top two, we’ll open the gates completely, and you’ll be able to sign up for as many events as you can cram in your schedule!

A few exceptions to note:

  • Events you’re running don’t count against your quota.
  • Some specific events (Verify your Badge, Treasure Trapped!, Wolf Chase, and Hacking as Women) don’t count against your quota either.

Still want to run a game?

Now that the schedule is built we’ve re-opened limited game submissions to accept games in the slots that still have room. Click here to run a game on the schedule or here to GM in Games on Demand.

We can’t wait for Big Bad Con this year. See you at the con!

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