Secret Histories

Secret Histories
  • Fri Oct 13, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Josh Lee
  • Secret Histories
  • X-card, Open Door policy
  • 588 (28)
  • 2
  • 1 of 8
  • Created at the table


Secret Histories is a location-based collaborative storytelling game. In the game, players go on a historical walking tour around a neighborhood, but instead of being led by a guide, they take turns leading the group, and instead of learning real historical facts, they make up the history as they go.

Over the course of gameplay, players explore the area, take note of interesting landmarks and features of the environment, and invent stories about historical events that might have happened at those spots. The mechanics of the game enable even inexperienced or reluctant storytellers to come up with interesting and evocative anecdotes that fit together into a cohesive historical portrait.

As they walk, observe, imagine, and narrate, players become more aware of their surroundings, and notice things in the neighborhood that they might otherwise miss – a house with funky window treatments, a gate with a dedication plaque, an ornately designed manhole cover. And as they share and discuss stories, players get to know each other as well as they know their environment. It’s an opportunity for people to look at their everyday surroundings with fresh eyes, and to create memorable stories that tie friends and places together.

Tags: Alternate History, Collaborative, Exploration, GM-less, Improv, Light, Rotating authority

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