Welcome to CRIME!

Welcome to CRIME!
  • Fri Oct 28, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Amy McClure Echeverri
  • Cyberpunk (GM rules light)
  • poverty, marginalization, violence
  • Open Door Policy,Script Change,Cut/Brake
  • 2104 (19)
  • 6
  • 0 of 6
  • Provided


The State’s been smashed and the mega-corps have taken over. You are a part of the system because it’s the only way you know of so far to take good care of your neighborhood. Then CRIME assigns you a terrible project. But there’s light and joy because you’re family and you’ve turned terrible assignments into goodness before. This one can give you the opportunity for allyship and perhaps a new rebellion.

*** *** ***

This game uses a rules-light version of Cyberpunk. Guns and other weapons are de-emphasized.

The emphasis of this game is strongly roleplaying over die-rolling. When you do roll dice, we’ll work together to narrate what happens. Think “yes, and” as well as “no, but” so that we can role play successes and misses.

I welcome you to bring your experiences of race and gender to the characters.

This game is designed to evoke a sense a hope and camaraderie. Think Star Wars not Bladerunner. Bring your lighthearted melodrama and fabulous sense of cyber style. Can you ever have too many color-shifting tattoos?

The game focuses on story and exploring themes of close personal ties and allyship.

Tags: Alternate History, Combat, Comical, Cyberpunk, Investigation, Noir

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